Book Cover Workshop Tutorial 02: Creating Paperback Spine Art for Createspace

Well, here we go again. I'm having alot of fun creating these videos, and I hope they will at some point prove useful for some of you out there. At this point, I'm just throwing them up, waiting to build a larger collection of them before I start trying to promote them or bring more attention to them. Right now I'm showing them to friends on here and social media, but I will make a more concerted effort to show them once I have more than a couple videos to show.

One thing I am toying around with is the idea of designing a fictional book cover once a month, from start to finish, and posting the video here. I know it's one thing to sit through 45 minutes worth of instruction on one aspect of book cover creation, and it's quite another to see something come together start to finish.

I might even take requests, if someone has a book cover that they are struggling with, so if they just want to do a limited edition of one of their stories but don't have the time to create a entirely new cover for it, let me know. If I use your idea for a video, I'll send you the finished cover in a format of your choosing, along with a release granting you ownership over it (giving you full legal rights to use it for whatever you want). If that sounds like something you might enjoy, drop me a message.

Alright, now on to this weeks tutorial. I wanted to tackle something a little simpler than the tattoo tutorial I did last week, so I decided to go with Spine Art. I'd go into more detail, but the video does a better job of explaining what I mean, and why it's important, so I'll just leave you to it. Oh, and if you watch it in HD, it's REALLY clear. Plus, it took hours to upload the 4.4 gigabyte video file, so if you're not watching it in 1080p, you're just wasting pixels, and a pixel is a terrible thing to waste. ;-)

So, as always, let me know what you think. I'm flying a bit blind here in regards to what everyone might find useful, so in the mean time I'm just going to continue to cover topics that I think are interesting, or that people might find useful.
