Would any of my writing friends like a little free publicity?

Sorry it's been so long between posts, I've been working on a non-writing project that has been fairly all-consuming.

With it nearing completion, I am starting to turn my focus back to pre://d.o.mai.n, but my little hiatus has really reinvigorated my need to get this book finished.

Inspiration is something that I write about often here, and the reason for that is that it is a huge part of why I love writing so much. It's a way to draw all of the minutiae of my day, from the joy to the irritation, compress it, layer it on to fictional personalities, and use their essences as the ink with which I craft my worlds.

Another form of inspiration comes from reading the work of others, and in honor of that I have decided to add a new monthly (or bi-monthly, we'll see how it goes) feature to the site-Monthly book reviews of self-published authors. Having been through the process myself, I know how hard it can be to draw attention to your work. I've discovered that it doesn't matter how passionate you are about your work, or how great it may be, if no one knows about it then your story will languish in the dark recesses of literary ambiguity forever.

Which brings me to the way this is going to work. I will select one book from a self-published author a month and write a review of it here on my blog. Some of these I will select on my own, some of them will likely become stops on that authors blog tour. I'm not certain why I didn't think of this sooner, I'm constantly reading other peoples work, to the extent that I've had a hard time logging it all on goodreads.com.

I will also be accepting submissions. If someone would like me to review their work, all I ask is that they shoot me an email at maetrixss@gmail.com and I will consider it. I generally read Science Fiction, Horror, Fantasy, and Paranormal stories, but I am pretty open. My full submission guidelines (and philosophy regarding writing book reviews) are here, but I think you will find them pretty minimal.

I am currently in the process of writing my review for the month of November, but if there is enough interest I may make this a bi-weekly feature. So, if you think I will enjoy your novel, I would love to read it!

Oh yeah, and besides the free publicity, you will receive a scoring medallion for your site that you can display with pride (if you so choose), like the one below-

So if you would like one of these (with your books title, your name, and relevant scores)-grab a copy of that electronic book and fire it to maetrixss@gmail.com!
