More changes, and a New eBook section!

I decided that with "Judgment Cove" coming out soon and "AZTLAN" not far behind I should start cleaning up a little bit in the Bookshelf page of this site. I also came to the conclusion that a simple way of finding which eBook version is right for your ereader might keep everything straightforward once more titles start filtering in over the next few weeks.

So instead of the old "Bookshelf" page, I've decided to separate my publications into two distinct categories, "eBooks", and "Paperbacks" (I don't see any hardcovers in my future, at least before the end of the year).

You can find it here-

I have created custom images so that finding the right page is as simple as clicking on the ereader you have, either an amazon kindle or Barnes and Noble nook, and you will be taken directly to the appropriate page through the magic of hypertext.

I have taken the liberty of adding in entries for Judgment Cove and Where I Can't Follow, and will soon be adding AZTLAN and the upcoming compilation I have planned as well. The compilation will also become the first novel in the "Paperbacks" section!

I will also be producing audiobook versions of both stories and selling them in my own web store in CD format.

I have also cleaned up the "Media" section, making the Youtube preview a little larger for the book trailer to "Where I Can't Follow" (I still need to fix the audio and upload it again to Youtube). I also added the Comic Strip titled "From and idea to a Ferrari", portraying the farcical adventure my son and I embarked on to turn my first months royalty check into the Ferrari's that I had joking told everyone we would buy with it.

It can be found here-

So lots of things that have been refined and tweaked a little, and still plenty more to come in the next month or two.

Stay tuned, and thank you for checking out my site!
